In the fourth session of budget appeal hearings, the Programs Finance Committee approved eight budgets Monday evening, giving the largest increase to the University Forensics Program.
Rick Peacor, the director of Intercollegiate Forensics, said the group hasn’t asked for many significant increases in past years, but this year the organization doubled in size, requiring a sizable budget increase. The group requested a budget increase for 2001-02 of $13,279 from its 2000-01 budget. Even though the group didn’t receive the amount requested, it still came away from the PFC meeting with a $23,450 budget for 2001-02.
PFC member Aaron Weck said aside from the merits of the Forensics Program, which has been on campus since 1876, he supported the group’s budget increase because of the group’s growth in size and retention.
The group’s boost in membership has already stretched the limits of the Forensics Program’s budget this school year, and it has come before the ASUO Student Senate two times for more money.
“I would not be surprised if we ask for more,” Peacor said.
But Peacor also said the group makes sacrifices, including driving instead of flying to speech and debate tournaments nationwide, to conserve money. Members of the group raised about $10,000 in funds last year, primarily from a high school debate tournament they facilitate spring term.
“We still have to find a way to make more money,” Peacor said. “But we will always run our program the same way. We will always be open to all students.”
The Panhellenic Council and the Interfraternity Council were tabled at their first hearings on Jan. 18 and Jan. 22, respectively. But at last night’s PFC meeting, IFC President Kevin Gelbrich and PHC President Amy Stanton cleared up the earlier confusion about their groups’ budgets.
PFC Chairwoman Mary Elizabeth Madden said there was a perception that checks written by the various Greek chapters were being made out directly to IFC and PHC, instead of to the Greek Life Office.
“It really makes sense to have checks written to the Greek Life Office,” Madden said.
Gelbrich and Stanton also clarified IFC and PHC membership issues that previously caused the groups to be tabled. Both officers said the Greek system and its various related events are open to all students.
Gelbrich said the officer transition process will be better handled in the future so this situation doesn’t arise again.
Patricia Hachten, the chair of the Student Parent Association, said SPA was satisfied with the PFC’s approval of the group’s small $300 budget.
“We didn’t ask for more [money] because we feel we need to prove ourselves and manage our budget,” Hachten said.
Hachten said SPA, a group advocating for student parents, hopes to at least double its budget through fundraising this year.
The Returning Students Association’s budget was tabled until 8:30 p.m. Feb. 15 to allow Madden to contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for budget clarification.
Debate team’s arguments win budget hike from PFC
Daily Emerald
February 12, 2001
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