As with any ancient city containing nine million people, London has much to offer the budding young photographer. Londoners are all shapes and colors, and British culture is a non-stop marvel resting on fascinating dichotomies: young and old, immigrants and gentry, cricket matches and cocaine, tea times and car bombs, the dizzying splendor of the palaces and the momentous ruin of the ghettos. Fear and pride.
I spent my summer on the move, walking hither and thither, scouring the town for photographic opportunities. At times I felt trapped by the luck of living in London, scurrying around at warp speed while frantically documenting all the people I could before the depressingly ultimate deadline of fall term in Eugene.
But that moment has come, and it’s all right. I have my memories and my thousands of photographs capturing my punch-drunk summer. I am still catching my breath.
‘vss_view’, ‘width=650,height=435,location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes’); return
false;”>Click here to view the slide show of London photos
London Calling
Daily Emerald
September 16, 2001
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