I was relieved to read that cyclist Kristin Layton survived being hit by an SUV with only minor injuries (“Biker survives after being hit by SUV” ODE, October 13, 2006.) I as a fellow cyclist, student and mother, I shudder to think of the tragedy that would of taken place had Layton been riding with one of her children on her bike, as I often do. The irony is that Layton was riding in a marked bike lane, and the SUV driver on a marked bicycle boulevard, provided by our bike-friendly city for our safety. What will it take for drivers to wake up and see cyclists? Should those of us who rely on cycling as a means of transportation, and who are trying to teach our children sustainable ways of living, give it up for fear of injury or death? I think the answer lies instead with drivers. My plea to drivers: Try biking when you can. It’s better for your mind and body, better for your environment, and less potentially hazardous to vulnerable members of your community. As a cyclist, you will develop an awareness of bicycle and foot traffic that will make you a safer driver when you choose to get behind the wheel. Try it-it could save a life!
Alison Altstatt
University Graduate Student
Cycling gives drivers bike, pedestrian awareness
Daily Emerald
October 23, 2006
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