Originally, this was supposed to be a “bah humbug” column. I wasn’t just going to write the usual rant about overconsumerism or the increase in drunken driving incidents and familial dysfunction during December. I wanted to demand a little understanding toward people (myself included) who don’t partake in holiday festivities and who resent it when others say they’re scrooges.
I still think a little less pressure to celebrate would be nice. I don’t want to be looked at funnily when I explain that I’m not sending cards or going to parties or making cookies. But my emotions get tangled at this time of year.
It goes something like this: None of the holidays in December are for me. It’s not my spiritual style to focus my goodwill on one month, and Norman Rockwell depictions are not my aesthetic. But I get a warm feeling whenever I hear Bing Crosby singing “Come All Ye Faithful.” I brighten when I see a menorah, and I have hope when I see the Kikombe cha Umoja, the Kwanzaa Unity Cup. Fasting for Ramadan is super honorable, and I rarely turn down a Roman-style night of hedonism.
So I’m torn: Do I want my holiday boundaries respected, or do I want to encourage it all? My dilemma was further knotted last week, when the City of Eugene decided to ban Christmas trees in publicly-owned workplaces.
The question for me isn’t, “Is a Christmas tree a religious symbol?” Of course it is. It’s also not; it depends on the person. But to someone not of a Judeo-Christian faith and not interested in a secular party involving red and green decorations, it represents foreign beliefs and traditions. Shouldn’t we all have the right to ask not to be exposed to it?
No, actually, I don’t think we have that right. Tolerance and diversity win out for me here. I know those two buzzwords are nearly impotent, but we can replenish their meaning. In a respectable society, tolerance and diversity should represent extreme inclusion — as much willingness to compromise for other people’s freedoms as you want extended to yours.
So as to the Christmas tree ban? We’re not talking about impressionable minors in school. These are adults working in city offices, y’all. Yes, these are government buildings. But we’re big kids now. Adults can handle looking at someone else’s temporary display of either religious or secular joy and celebration. We’re mature enough to allow others their deeply held beliefs and traditions.
Non-believers should think about the displays and the doctrines and critically examine them. We don’t have to adopt any of these faiths, and we’re not injured by seeing them. Humanity could actually benefit from such exposure, no? And it’s possible to find enjoyment in the value these things have for others.
So for the sake of the good and the just, seasonal celebrators could go a little easier on those who don’t dig it. And those who are looking to be left alone for the month should be willing to respect the freedom of their community’s expression.
For my part, I’m escaping to Europe for the rest of December, and I won’t begrudge anyone a Christmas tree or a dreidel, or whatever your flavor is. But do me a favor — have a safe and happy holiday season. Please share whatever you can with whomever you meet. And I’ll talk to you in January.
Michael J. Kleckner is the editorial editor for the Oregon Daily Emerald. His views do not necessarily represent those of the Emerald. He can be reached at
[email protected]