Name: Andy Johnson
Position: Senate Seat 19 (Journalism)
Age: 20
Hometown: Portland, Ore.
Class standing: Sophomore
Major: Journalism
Arrests: None
Briefly explain your platform.
Campaign slogan: “I’m fighting for faculty and financial accountability.” Wants to decrease student lab fees. Hard time with journalism teachers means evaluations for teachers are important.
What qualities and experience qualify you to be an ASUO senator?
Captain of football and baseball teams and sports editor of newspaper in high school. Works well with people, good at making friendships. Communication.
What are your thoughts on the purpose and size of the student incidental fee?
I am not aware of the student incidental fee.
How will you ensure that you are representing your constituents’ interests?
Communicate with students and have them come with concerns. Open door.
What are some major issues facing journalism students and how would you address them?
Fees and faculty. I want kids to know where the hundreds and hundreds of dollars are going.
Andy Johnson
Daily Emerald
April 5, 2009
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