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Preventive care for women
The U.S. Senate voted to make it easier for women to receive preventive health screenings such as mammograms and annual tests for heart disease Thursday. It was the first vote on health care legislation, and a needed step to protect women from insurance companies.
ABC News
An “executive with knowledge of the negotiations” says ABC has offered pretty boy “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos the job of co-anchor on “Good Morning America.” There’s no word whether the former aide to President Clinton will take the job and give up his slot as the next king of Sunday morning political talk. But moving George to GMA would be one way to ensure America would have a good morning more than once a week.
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That old “separation of powers” yarn
The Secret Service has taken responsibility for allowing reality TV wannabes Tareq and Michaele Salahi to somehow crash a state dinner at the White House, but the administration says social secretary Desiree Rogers won’t testify before Congress about why she didn’t have someone blocking uninvited visitors. Team Obama is hiding behind the separation of powers doctrine, which hardly lives up to the transparency Obama promised during his campaign. It’s what Dick Cheney would say.
New York State Senate
The New York State Senate rejected a gay marriage bill this week after it passed the State House and was supported by Democratic Gov. David Paterson. Voters in Maine turned back marriage equality this year, and legislators in New Jersey and Washington, D.C. have upcoming votes on gay marriage. New York is counted on as a cultural leader, and this narrow vote will only embolden narrow minds elsewhere.
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The week in thumbs
Daily Emerald
December 3, 2009
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