Normally I love your “Top 10” feature in the Opinion section, but Tuesday, June 1’s list enraged me a little bit.
Listing the “Top 10 Fringe Benefits of the Oil Spill” was not only inappropriate, but it was also completely hypocritical. All I hear on this campus is how important awareness is, or how important saving the environment is, or how important environmental activism is. And here the delightful opinion writers of the Emerald are trying to see “the bright side” of a man-made event that The New York Times describes as the “worst oil disaster in American history.”
Isn’t this exactly what causes ignorance and apathy among college students? Trying to portray an ecosystem-destroying event as an excuse to say “an ‘oily’ curtain has fallen across the Gulf?” I have to say I’m disappointed in the Emerald staff for publishing something so thoughtless and ignorant. If the University is all about promoting awareness, why not publish the “Top 10 Most Important Facts about the Oil Spill?” or the “Top 10 Ways the Oil Spill is Destroying the Gulf?”
If this was supposed to be funny, the opinion writers at the Daily Emerald obviously don’t know what humor is.
[email protected]
Emerald opinion desk needs a lesson in humor
Daily Emerald
June 2, 2010
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