“This is a pretty big thing for U of O Chess because we’re trying to break into the bigger chess scene.” — UO Chess President and tournament coordinator Sara Hamilton on Sunday. Eight players in the Oregon Class Championships were rated as master-expert.
“Chess is a sport.” — Hamilton on how to classify chess tournaments.
“I absolutely place it as a top priority, and I am very concerned about the warnings that you give based on these numbers. But let’s not get a message out that there’s some simple solution if the administration would just get off its rear end.” — Senior Vice President and Provost John Moseley at the University Senate meeting, responding to suggestions that a portion of the University’s $600 million fundraising campaign be dedicated to faculty compensation.
“For a sophomore math class, I shouldn’t have to wait just because I’m white.” — Senior Stephanie Ramey about a University
policy that reserves spots in classes for minority students.
“I am a student of color in a class where my professors always validate white students’ ideas, statements and opinions, but never mine.” — A sign displayed during a Wednesday protest against alleged discrimination against minority students within the College of Education.
“If he had written a novel of his life, it would have been one of the most interesting books you’d have ever read.” — Bob Miller, the younger brother of community activist Bruce Miller, who died April 26.
“All of us are in danger if we don’t win the war on terrorism.” — Middle East expert Elan Carr, speaking Monday to students and community members about his experience in Iraq.
“We’re here, we’re high. Get used to it!” — A chant heard during Saturday’s marijuana legalization march in downtown Eugene.
“We feel like the ASUO, while their intentions may be good, we don’t know that they’re going to get the job done. It’s gotten to the point where it’s just outrageous.” — Portland Student Action Council Interim
President Gary Blackwell on the need to compensate students at the University’s Portland satellite campus, who pay incidental fees but do not receive benefits such as free
bus transportation.
“I’m not even particularly anxious about it really. I’m just kind of curious as to what life will be like when there’s less structure.”
— Dan Williams, who will retire from his position as University vice president for administration this summer.
“To win a race here in an Oregon uniform, there’s nothing like it.”– Freshman distance runner Galen Rupp, after his record-breaking race during the Oregon Twilight at Hayward Field on Saturday.
“This was an important year for the Court in term of the decisions that it made and precedents that were set.” — Courtney
Warner, former associate justice of the ASUO Constitution Court, who resigned because of her upcoming University graduation.
— From Daily Emerald news reports
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