Some of the most popular cures for stress, depression and anxiety can be found in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, a Hershey’s chocolate bar or mom’s homemade mashed potatoes. For many people, this tasty vice can even alter their moods. “Food is seen as comfort and a way of sharing and caring about those near and dear,” said Dr. Vivian Barnette, senior staff therapist at the University Counseling Center. She said that many cultures prepare food for celebrations and acknowledgment of accomplishments, and many families place great importance on eating meals together or serving food to show hospitality to friends and guests.
But many people also eat certain foods as a way of dealing with stress, conflict and feelings, Barnette said.
“Comfort foods may help people cope with life by alleviating anxiety, pain or sadness,” she said.
Shannon Lynch, a senior at the University, said she often eats comfort foods after experiencing a bad day. She said her personal favorites are “mac ‘n’ cheese,” mashed potatoes, chocolate, rice crackers and ice cream.
“Mashed potatoes remind you of home,” she said. “(They’re) good for homesickness. “
But she also said that foods high in sugar and caffeine are popular comfort foods.
Lynch said eating comfort foods seemed normal among the people she knew, though she said there could be some guilt associated with the consumption of foods high in calories, fat or sugar.
“In our culture, there is a lot of guilt associated with splurging,” she said.
Food can also be used as a positive reinforcement, according to Rohanna Buchanan, a skills trainer at Oregon Social Learning Center. She said that in her job she spends time with teenagers who have mental health problems, and sharing a meal with one of her “kids” is fun for both her and the teen.
“If you feed them, they will associate food, which is good, with you,” Buchanan said. “Food equals a good time. “
She said she has noticed that kids who are high-strung or anxious often calm down when they share a meal that consists of their favorite foods.
Buchanan said the comfort foods that help her relax are teas, Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream and pasta.
Though comfort food can act as a positive reinforcement, Buchanan said those who eat comfort foods on a regular basis need to be aware of the possibility of developing an eating disorder.
“A lot of people’s comfort foods are high in fat, high in sugar,” she said. “Few people have healthy comfort foods.”
As with most habits, too much of anything can become problematic, Barnette said.
“If all a person ate was carbohydrates, then he or she would lack other important nutrients in his or her diet, ” she said.
Though the consumption of comfort food appears to be more popular among women, some men also relieve stress by eating their favorite foods, said University senior Justin Ginsburg. But, he said, men often do not recognize the behavior as eating comfort food.
“Comfort foods are more of a girl thing,” he said. His comfort foods are more like “feel good” foods, and include biscuits with gravy, chicken fried steak, stew and other “hearty” foods, he said.
“They’re foods I don’t eat very often,” he said. “(They’re) kind of home-y.”
E-mail reporter Jen West
at [email protected].