Did you know there is currently a $3 billion shortfall in the Pell Grant program? Before the U.S. Congress right now is the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, which establishes many programs that support higher education on a national level. The HEA funds some of the necessary programs such as federal grants and federal loans so all students can have equal access to a higher education. Some of the programs under the HEA are Child Care Block Grants, campus safety provisions, voter registration provisions, federal grants and federal loans.
The ASUO has teamed up with its national partner, the United States Student Association, in an ongoing campaign to gain awareness on all campuses about the reauthorization of the HEA. The USSA is also pressuring members of Congress to increase grants, maintain loan limits, eliminate loan origination fees, fully repeal the drug-related question on the FAFSA application, preserve good programs such as the TRIO programs, and increase support for child care.
At noon today in the EMU Fir Room, the ASUO is having a press conference to educate and mobilize support from members of the community. Members from the congressional offices of Rep. Peter DeFazio, Sen. Gordon Smith and Sen. Ron Wyden are going to be attending the press conference to show support for the ASUO campaign and also for reauthorization of the HEA. Students who are directly affected by the HEA also are speaking at the press conference because they are the ones who need the provisions to pass. This bipartisan coalition will work to benefit all students because all students are somehow affected by the HEA. Show your support for the HEA and the ASUO campaign by showing up.
It is necessary that all students begin to realize that it is necessary to increase funding for federal grants such as the Pell Grant so more students can graduate debt-free. All students need to support the ASUO by signing the yellow postcards stating that you urge Congress to reauthorize the HEA and increase funding for federal grants. By stopping in the ASUO office and filling out a postcard, you can have your voice heard when the ASUO hand delivers these postcards to members of Congress on the National Student Lobby Day on March 11, 2003.
As a recipient of federal grants, I realize the importance of gaining awareness and urging congressional leaders to fund higher education programs. There needs to be an increase in federal grants so students do not have to graduate with enormous amounts of debt.
Let’s stop inhibiting students obtaining a higher education by limiting the amount of grants they receive or worse, by prohibiting them from receiving and aid because of a drug conviction. Let’s increase child care for nontraditional students who cannot afford child care yet want a better education.
It is about time congressional leaders hear students. Equal access for all. Higher education is a right!
Nick Hudson is an ASUO legislative intern, the Barnhart/Riley Complex president
and a freshman political science major.