I know there is a growing frustration within the community about athletics and scholarship. I would like to suggest a move that the University Athletics department/Ticket office could make to show support for academics in light of the new (much slower) student ticketing system. Distribute student tickets on Sunday.
It takes approximately twice as long to get a ticket now and there has always been an issue with students missing class for athletic tickets. Now there is potential for missing an entire day of classes waiting in line. Think of the amount and kind of courses offered on Monday mornings. For instance, core requirements for science majors are offered throughout Monday morning (To name a few: Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geology). And now we have to think of classes in the early afternoon.
Personally, I waited 2.5 hours longer (from 9:00 a.m.) than I did for USC two years ago and got in line an hour earlier. This season, I received my ticket at 1:15 p.m. I got in line at 7:30 a.m. An entire day wasted. I expected to be out of line around 11 a.m. I do not have all the same issues many people have with athletics at Oregon. I enjoy sports. I enjoy seeing my peers compete. However, your new change requires a few adjustments to the rest of the system to make it work for everyone.
I realize people do not want to work on Sunday, but I know there are students who need money. Make the teller jobs for the new Sunday work study positions and it can increase affordability for the school.
Daniel C. Cameron
University biology major
Passing student tickets out on Sundays would solve many problems that plague the process
Daily Emerald
October 14, 2007
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