Is sexual assault an international issue?
In our community:
• An international student was raped by her sponsor/partner.
• An international student was raped by a trusted older member of her own community.
• An international student escaped an attempted sexual assault in her residence hall.
• An international student fought off a potential attacker near campus.
• An international student was sexually assaulted by her boyfriend.
• An international student was fearful of an older male’s sexual innuendos.
• An international student from a violent background is now struggling with relationship issues.
• An international student was a victim of sexual assault before coming to the U.S. and is now dealing with the trauma.
1750 international students, and an additional 621 students attending the American English Institute, are guests on our campus and in our community. International students are a particularly vulnerable population group because of language and cultural barriers, as well as students’ unfamiliarity with norms and cues that are part of everyday life in the U.S.
International Student and Scholar Services offers a personal safety workshop as part of our annual fall International Student Orientation. With the help of the Sexual Wellness Advocacy Team, we present information to new international students on the topics of healthy
relationships, sexual assault and where and how to get help if needed. An international student confided in me that she knew what to do when faced with a potential sexual assault because of the SWAT presentation at ISO.
Staff in the Office of International Affairs advise international students on many topics. Although international student advisors are not mental health counselors, we can act as guides to assist students in accessing services that they may not have, or may not feel comfortable accessing, in their home country. Email [email protected] to set up an appointment with an international student advisor. An international student who attempted suicide after being raped was helped by the Health Center, Counseling Center, Student Life, Women’s Center, DPS, SASS and Academic Advising. She is alive and doing well.
International women needing support meet weekly in the Women’s Center to network and share resources. Email [email protected] for more information about meeting times. The International Women’s Support Group has helped women find housing, medical assistance, counseling, peer advising and friendship.
Thank you to all who continue to make the University a welcoming safe place for international students.
Yes, sexual violence is an international issue; it is an issue for everyone. Please do your part to prioritize the issue of sexual violence and attend Take Back the Night on Thursday, April 28, 6 p.m., in the EMU Amphitheater.
[email protected]
Letter: International students also affected by sexual assault
Daily Emerald
April 20, 2011
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