10. Start watching a season of “Lost” or “24”
Ignoring the fact that both of said programs aren’t even that great (Seriously people, polar bears in the jungle? Really?), it’s pretty much a guarantee that a season of either of these in place of studying will leave you with an F in Psychology 202.
9. Anything involving a significant other@@silly@@
Just say no. No hanging out. No being friends. Nothing. Personally, I’ll be locking my door and boarding up my windows to make sure the ladies stay away this weekend. @@hahaha, ok…@@The time investment of starting up a relationship, or time and emotional requirement of ending one — you can kiss that Dean’s List goodbye.
8. Start a new character in Sykrim
Attention gamers! IRL (in real life), your GPA is more important than the hit points of your Mana-Repelling shield. Just wait until you finish that math exam next Thursday. Your level 67 Night Elf will have to suffice for the weekend.
7. Occupy
Yes, their charge is a noble one, but the noble smoke coming from that piece they’re passing around is sure to erase at least two-thirds of your short-term memory and leave you lacking the motivation.
6. Road trip to Vegas
I’m looking at you, Greek houses. Yes, spontaneous road trips to the bright lights and slots are fun, but once you realize that the history book you meant to throw in the car is actually on your desk, oh man. Even if you do bring the history book, the free drinks and loud music will probably make you “forget” about that Monday morning chemistry final.
5. Go to the Lorax
OK, so I’ve never actually been to the Lorax co-op (invite me, people!), but we’ve all heard rumors. Donkeys at a party?! Any other weekend of the year and I would recommend a visit to the place (as a strict examination of chemistry and anatomy, of course) — but on this one weekend of the term, just buy a six-pack and stay home.
4. Get an Obama tramp stamp tattoo
Truth is, I wouldn’t recommend this anytime, but if you’re drunk enough to consider showing your support for your Commander in Chief via some ink above@@above, right?@@ your fanny, you probably won’t be spending too much time reviewing for that poli-sci final on Tuesday.@@weak…@@
3. Start reading the Harry Potter series
Newsflash: Harry Potter is great, and we all love it. In fact, some have even called it “addictive.” The fact of the matter is, no matter how tempted you are to pick one of the books up, this isn’t the weekend to get sucked into it. If you’re seriously considering reading/rereading any part of the series, just substitute “crack” for Harry Potter and the danger will become clear.
2. Eat fast food/become a vegan
Some may say these two are completely different both ideologically and health-wise, but I say — whatever. As far as your bathroom is concerned, both will have the same effect on the flusher, ultimately leaving you running to the store over and over for more toilet paper.@@lol!@@
1. Experiment with new drugs/stop using old drugs
The concept here is to keep the status quo. The last thing you need the weekend before finals is any kind of withdrawal because you haven’t had your regular six bong rips before lunch.@@lol@@ Also, don’t let anyone trick you into thinking that taking six bong rips before lunch will relax you so you can study! Keep it together for just a few more days, people, and you can listen to as much Grateful Dead and trip as hard as you’d like.
10 things not to do the weekend before finals
Daily Emerald
November 30, 2011
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