Campus protesters take a break
Where have all the University of Oregon student activists gone?
The theory of an Oregon daily newspaper is activists have chosen to hide under a rock, along with other paranoid people, after the Sept. 11 attacks. Someone else suggested all student energy was dissipated in euphoria over football and
basketball success.
Can this be the campus where student insistence got the University to join the Worker Rights Consortium despite the administration’s greedy reluctance? If so, it’s time for them to make more noise over the cave-in of the State System of Higher Education when the University begged it to make membership in the WRC illegal with retroactive state rules. None of us was there to hear that secret discussion. But can anyone doubt such a conspiracy?
Those shenanigans to get “Saint Philip” to honor his stadium promise are trifles compared to silence of students about Israel’s invasion of Palestine. Horrors of dozens of Israeli children dying in suicide bomb blasts and of hundreds of Palestinian children dying at the hands of Israeli invaders should have students marching in the streets. They should be demanding that this nation deserves a leader unwilling to play the psycho-patsy role of George Bush to the psychopathic militarism of the Israeli prime minister.
But it’s spring quarter — a time for fun on campus, no matter the guilt one eventually will feel for being a quiet accomplice, instead of
the nation’s conscience.
George Beres