When a staff member first suggested the idea of producing a “Vice” supplement in the Emerald, it was kind of a joke — something we thought would be fun to work on, but it wasn’t on our schedule. But after tossing the idea around for awhile, we found that people on staff were enthusiastic about it.
The stories in the supplement aren’t intended to promote or vilify student, faculty and community member vices, or to help people find new vices to try. Instead, our aim was to explore the “lighter” side of vice on campus.
We hope it is as fun to read as it was for our staff to write.
We’d love to hear responses to this issue and the topics it raises. Responses can be sent to [email protected]. Letters to the editor are limited to 250 words and guest commentaries to 550 words.
So what’s your vice? Flip through these pages and see if any of the people in our stories seem just a little too familiar.
Message from the editors (02/26/02)
Daily Emerald
February 25, 2002
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