Yesterday, I received a mass e-mail from ASUO Sen. Jeremy Blanchard. It’s the first I have received since he became a senator.
I do not know how he obtained my e-mail address. I certainly did not ask be on any campaign mailing list.
He exhorted me to vote for Amelie Rousseau and Maneesh Arora and Campus Change Coalition candidates in the ASUO election. He included a link to DuckWeb with a pane on the left-hand side of the screen telling me to vote for the candidates he supports. He finished his e-mail saying “it directly impacts whether students will have a voice when important decisions are made.”
I found it very disturbing Blanchard only finds it worthwhile to e-mail me with an agenda. He never invested the time to reach out to students when he was representing them in the ASUO. Further, I am insulted he told me which candidate to vote for. Ending his e-mail with an attempt to scare me into voting for certain candidates is just disgusting.
Blanchard, please realize you are elected into office on behalf of students. It is your job to represent us, not to increase your power or that of any bloc in the ASUO.
[email protected]
Thanks for the e-mail; where was it earlier?
Daily Emerald
April 6, 2010
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