We went to Senate meeting, so you didn’t have to. Here’s what you should know:
Senate denies one special request and passes $10,000 return request.
- Criminal Justice Network requested $300 to bring investigative reporter Jeffrey St. Clair to its sociology class. Senate voted down with one “yes” and 15 “no” votes. Senator Morgan Snook said since the event is for a class, tuition is more fit to cover the cost, rather than the incidental fee.
- International Business Association (formerly HOSA International) requested $796 for a new t-shirt uniform. According to ASUO Constitutions, groups can only request funding for t-shirts for a specific event to distinguish members. IBA speaker said the group doesn’t have any new events coming up, and the t-shirts will have its latest event’s name on it. Senate deemed the request against its rules, tabling the request to summer senate. Senate passed to return $423 to surplus.
- Organization Against Sexual Assault returned $10,000 to surplus. The group secured funding for its $15,000 pedicab program. The group also got its speaker, David Lisak, for $6,000 rather than $10,000.
- Chinese Philanthropic Leadership Association requested $540 for an event, Running Ducks on May 20.
- Liberty in North Korea UO Rescue Team also requested funds to purchase t-shirts for its members. The $250 request, however, is for an upcoming event, and the t-shirts will be given to members. Senate passed the request with 11 “yes” and five “no” votes.
- Student Mental Health Advocates asked for $6,010 four events during its Mental Health Awareness Month including: Stomp out the Stigma Flag Display, NAMI Social / suicide awareness talk and Stress Less event.
- Teuph, a music band, is requesting $900 to send four members to an international competition in Tennessee.
Over-realized fund committee updates from last year’s projects.
Since its meeting on May 3, members of the committee have contacted groups that received over-realized funds last year.
Over-realized funds is the unaccounted money from the unexpected amount of freshmen. Last year, senate had over $200,000 in over-realized budget and allocated it to seven groups.
The committee is set out to find out what happened to the money.
The $131,200 budget that was a trans conference will be returned to over-realized budget, senator Andrew Dunn said.
Senator Nicole Hendrix said Edible Garden will spend all of its funding by next Fall.
UO Rowing has spent all of its funding, senator Kiley Wilson said.
Enriching the Graduate Experience will allocate its funding by this week, senator Quinn Hagaa said.
The Health Center is planning to use all of its funding for its free STI/D testing, but it’s unclear on how, Dunn said.