The first ASUO Senate meeting of 2017 happened! Here’s the recap.
ASUO appointed two new members; Hong Lei for Program Finance Committee and Clarice Beasley for Senate Seat 15.
Lei was appointed to PFC at Large position by a majority vote of acclamation. Senator Gimm was the only senator to vote against the appointment. Lei is a junior, majoring in accounting with an interest finance.
“What interested me most about the Programs Finance Committee is the opportunity to work with different student organizations on campus,” Lei’s application stated. “I have always had a keen interest in finance and as an accounting student myself, I hope to apply what I’ve learned from classrooms to ASUO’s mission statement.”
Lei was the Finance Coordinator for the Dean of Students IMPACT program. He was responsible for keeping track of the programs budget and offering recommendations for events based upon understanding of the budget.
Beasley was appointed to senate seat 15 by unanimous approval from senate. Beasley is a sophomore business major who campaigned during the last election for senate seat 14.
“I am interested in this role because I am interested in being a part of the change that will happen on this campus,” Beasley’s application stated. “I want to be part of a group that listens to students and presents concerns or discontent about current situations to administration, and moves forward with plans of action to reconcile those issues. It is important to me that the student impact on policy within this campus is not limited to those who hold senate seats or are involved in ASUO.”
Beasley believes that her position as a business major will give her a unique perspective and understanding of the student body and will benefit the senate.
Funding requests were the next major topic of discussion for senate with various organizations requesting funds from surplus for upcoming guest speakers and events on campus.
Native American Law Student Association (NALSA)
Was requesting $800 from surplus for their upcoming speaker series. The money will be used to bring Professor Robert Miller, preeminent scholar on the Doctrine of Discovery, on Jan. 23. The funding was approved by a vote of acclamation.
Muslim Student Association (MSA)
The MSA was requesting $2,527 from surplus for their upcoming Spring Event, which is the group’s final and largest event of the year. Part of the funding will go towards bringing in a speaker to discuss Islam to “give non-Muslims and Muslims alike a better understanding of the complexities of the Muslim world altogether,” the groups application stated. The group was also requesting $430 be moved from existing spots within their budget to a different spot so the funds can be allocated for different use. All requests were approved.
Southeast Asian Student Alliance (SEASA)
SEASA was requesting $199 from surplus for one night of lodging at the University of Washington to attend a conference exploring various cultures and social issues. It was approved by a vote of acclamation.
The under-realized budget for this term is currently in a deficit and senator Young was requesting over $26,000 be moved from surplus to cover part of this deficit. The funding was approved unanimously.
The proposed stipend model is still being finalized before its July 1 implementation date. Gimm proposed small language changes to the current form to make it easier to understand. Senate eventually passed the proposal by making small changes to the verbiage of the form after half an hour of deliberation.
The proposed stipend model can be found here.
The senate agenda can be found here.
ASUO senate meets every week at 7 p.m. in the EMU Miller room. The meetings are open to the public.
ASUO Wrap-Up Jan 11
Miguel Sanchez-Rutledge
January 12, 2017
Welcome back to Wednesday’s Senate meeting – We went to the meeting, so you didn’t have to. Lane Districts Transportation refused to let students ride the bus due to confusion with the new ID cards. The six senators, under the leadership of senate president Ednaly Jimenez-Gomez, held a 30-minute meeting …
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