Bailey is dedicated, moral
Eric Bailey is an excellent choice for ASUO Executive. I have never known anyone more dedicated to a school and its student body.
From being in many meetings with Bailey, I know that he strives to make sure all the voices are heard and each person is satisfied with the outcome. One of his chief concerns is that the process be democratic.
Bailey is one of the most friendly people that anyone could get to know here at the University. He cares very deeply about the many issues affecting students. Renters’ rights are one of his top priorities. He wants to make sure students have a say in the implementation of a housing code.
Another major concern of Bailey’s is safety. He wants to make sure students not only feel safe while on campus, but also while they are walking to and from it.
Bailey’s third major goal is to mend relations between the ASUO, the administration and student groups, and between housing and Greek Life.
One other note: Eric is a man of very strong morals that will not allow him to participate in dirty mudslinging and cheap political maneuvering.
I strongly support Bailey and Oliver for ASUO Executive. Vote Bailey/Oliver Feb. 26 through March 1!
Jennifer Ames
Bret and Matt
for real leadership
It has been said that specificity is a character issue. If so, student voters should choose Bret [Jacobson] and Matt [Cook] in the upcoming ASUO Executive elections because they have been the only candidates to demonstrate such character. Bret and Matt have already shown a pattern of listening to student and government concerns and by responding with specific, unique solutions that no other candidates are able to offer.
Bret and Matt’s plan to create an ASUO-sponsored public-relations hub to advance the causes and awareness of various student groups is just one great example. Other ideas include holding weekly meetings with multicultural groups to constantly remain updated on diversity issues and to help solve problems, while having more student leaders on Eugene Police Department ride-alongs to work toward their goal of improving often strained relationships with the police and city government.
Other candidates either won’t commit to any specific ideas to improve the ASUO or are incapable of the kind of problem solving this University demands. They keep rehashing the same old lines, while only paying lip service to the important issues of improving education, diversity and trying to get along better with the City Council. That’s not a representative government and should not be acceptable.
Please make the effort to sign onto Duck Web to vote for Bret and Matt, so next year the University can have real leadership with specific ideas.
Jason Schroeder