Senate approves $5,800
in special requests
ASUO Student Senate members grudgingly dealt out chunks of the remaining $32,429 in surplus funds left for the year Wednesday night, rejecting three of the five special requests for student fee money.
They voted in favor of the two largest requests of the night, however, giving $3,000 to EMU Club Sports for a spring workshop program and $2,858 to the UO Cultural Forum for unanticipated Willamette Valley Folk Festival costs.
By a vote of 2-12, the senate turned down a $1,500 request by students from a pilot program run through the Survival Center to send two students to Thailand for six months to work in a refugee school.
Most of the senators expressed support for the program but questioned the appropriateness of funding it because it seemed similar to a study abroad program. It was also unclear whether the students going would be enrolled at the University while they were in Thailand.
Sen. Justin Zuiker voted in favor of the request but suggested tabling the motion for later discussion.
“I’m a little concerned that if we approve this now, it’s going to open the floodgates for other people who want to study abroad … and can’t afford it,” Zuiker said.
The senate also rejected two requests, totaling $117, by the YWCA because it appeared the group had unused funds in other accounts within its budget.
— Kara Cogswell
Reporter to speak
on Middle East conflict
International journalist David Ze’ev Harris will speak at the EMU Ballroom today as a part of Caravan For Democracy, a nationwide program visiting college campuses.
Oregon Hillel, Jewish Student Union, Club Israel, the Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies, Temple Beth Israel and Tzedek Hillel are sponsoring the event, which is free to the public and begins at 1 p.m. Doors open at noon, and refreshments will be provided.
Harris is a radio commentator and former BBC reporter known for his broadcasts about events in the Middle East.
For more information, contact Oregon Hillel at 343-8920 or visit
— Michael J. Kleckner
Amnesty International
to hold Middle East vigil
The University chapter of Amnesty International will hold a candlelight vigil at 7 p.m. today in the EMU Amphitheater to honor all victims of human rights violations in Israel and the occupied territories.
The event is part of a worldwide day of mourning sponsored by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International.
Organizers are asking people to bring their own candles with a drip guard. They will have a limited supply of candles available.
— Kara Cogswell