The Oregon Daily Emerald (10/9) accused the Oregon Citizens Alliance of trying to rip Oregon apart again and said the previous Measure 9 subjected homosexuals to harassment, death threats and physical abuse. The biggest news story of that period, claiming harassment, death threats and physical abuse to a homosexual was proven to be false. The facts are that the Mabons’ home was shot into, OCA members had their cars vandalized, pink triangles painted on their garage doors and yard signs stolen or vandalized.
Recently in California, homosexual activists destroyed more than 1,000 yard signs during the vote to defend traditional marriage. The “tolerance/diversity” crowd has cost the Boy Scouts of America $3 million as it defended its right to have God in its oath and to set moral standards for its organization. Conservative speakers have been prevented from speaking at some universities. Attempts were made to censor a Jewish woman, defending biblical morality, from radio and TV.
Liberals/homosexuals seek to create revolutionary changes in our society and if you dare oppose them, they will demonize you as hateful, intolerant, narrow-minded, ignorant, divisive and diseased (homophobia). The only way to avoid these labels is to blindly submit to their dogma. This is not valuing tolerance and diversity. It is tyranny enforcing liberal dogma.
My dogma is already banned from the public schools. Measure 9 simply removes the promotion, encouragement and sanctioning of liberal dogma on homosexuality from the public schools. If you want to continue to have public schools, they will only survive if they focus their mission on those objectives on which there is broad consensus.
If we really value tolerance and diversity, then we should direct the full per-student share of the educational budget to parents through vouchers, paying for their choice of home-schooling, private, public or some combination, as long as their child scores appropriately each year on standardized testing, as home-schooled students already do.
Why not let the anarchists have their own educational approach as well as the liberal, conservative, homosexual, heterosexual, Amish, Christian, humanist, etc.? Liberals won’t accept this, because they want massive public institutions to turn us all into liberals, just like themselves. The Emerald suggested we err on the side of tolerance. Well, that is what it would look like and I am ready for it.
Measure 9 does not prevent HIV/AIDS education. Just teach objective facts. Teach that condoms don’t work. Abortion is Planned Parenthood’s backup plan and we have had to use the backup plan 30 million times. One-third of the siblings of University students are missing, murdered in the womb. Condoms are even less reliable for preventing disease and the backup plan is death. Thirty percent of HIV-free individuals using condoms with HIV-positive individuals will get HIV/AIDS (and die). The sexual revolution is over. Liberal sexuality will kill you. The baby boomers were wrong. Sex isn’t free. The price of free sex was to send divorce and sexually transmitted disease rates off the chart and to abort 30 million children.
See the evidence at Protect our children from dangerous and failed liberal dogma. Vote yes on Measure 9.
Barry Dean Williams is the Lane County director of the Oregon Citizens Alliance.