Piercing artist Alex Bertucci, 34, is one of many body art specialists at High Priestess Piercing & Tattoo on East 13th Avenue. He regularly serves University of Oregon students looking to add their own creative touch in the form of a piercing. Bertucci, a New York transplant who settled in Eugene in 2002, has worked at High Priestess for the last six years and has plans to add to his own collection of personal ink with further work on the back of his head. A shave, of course, will be needed first.
Piercing artist Alex Bertucci confers with University students Emily Purzycki, left, and Melissa Mundy, about their plans for a piercing and tattoo, respectively. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Alex Bertucci walks Emily Purzycki through the piercing process before he pierces her right ear’s cartilage. “I’ve aways wanted a piercing,” Purzycki admitted, “but I don’t think my dad’s going to like it so much. We’ll see!” (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Alex Bertucci explains the post-piercing care process to Emily Purzycki, left, and Melissa Mundy, after Emily received a cartilage piercing on her right ear. “Rule number one,” Bertucci noted, “is the hardest rule to follow: do not touch your piercing while it’s healing.” (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Piercing artist Alex Bertucci has worked at High Priestess Piercing & Tattoo in Eugene since 2006. After receiving his own self-administered piercing at the age of 14 and first tattoo at 18, Bertucci’s personal collection of body art has steadily grown, and he plans on receiving more tattoo work to the back of his head in the next week. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Alex Bertucci estimates the correct ear gauge sizing for a returning customer. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Alex Bertucci steps outside at dusk to take a smoke break between piercings at High Priestess Piercing & Tattoo. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)