Students looking to make a few extra dollars can often find employment nearby, even in this economy. Hundreds of students are employed in mostly part-time campus jobs in the Knight Library, the EMU and in most schools and departments.
John Kostick, the EMU’s accountant and payroll coordinator, estimates between 350 and 400 students are employed in the EMU and by EMU-funded programs during an average academic year. EMU Food Services and the Moss Street Children’s Center are two of the largest employers of students in the EMU’s fold, he said.
Danielle Baize, a human physiology major, has been a receptionist and assistant teacher at the children’s center for two years. She works with children three months to two years old. “We hang out with the kids, watch the kids,” she said, “anything to interact with them and (get them to) interact with other kids.”
Working in the classroom requires CPR and first aid certification, Baize said, as well as a food handler’s card, which the center helps students acquire after hiring them. Baize estimated three-fourths of student jobs at the center come from work-study programs.
There are two work-study programs: federal work-study, which allows students who receive financial aid to work up to 20 hours per week working on campus, in government or in select non-profits, and UO work-study, which is funded by the University and requires students to be enrolled full-time, according to the University’s financial aid Web site.
Still, not all jobs on campus require work-study. As of the afternoon of Thursday June 18, 22 out of 37 jobs listed on the site did not require work-study. Jobs not requiring work-study funds included resident assistant in University Housing, student bloggers for the Alumni Association, course assistants in general chemistry, a help desk assistant at the School of Journalism and Communication and an ASUO office assistant.
EMU Food Services – which Kostick said employs about 120 students between its three EMU locations and coffee shops in Knight Library, the College of Education and the Lillis Business Complex - is currently hiring baristas, dishwashers, store clerks and prep cooks, “work study preferred.”
[email protected]
Finding a job
Daily Emerald
July 9, 2009
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