Ninety students are running for ASUO political positions for the 2003-04 school year, ASUO Elections Coordinator Andie Hall announced Tuesday evening.
Programs Finance Committee Senate Seat 1 and a two-year term with the Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council drew the strongest interest; eight students filed for each of the respective positions.
Hall said she was “elated” that so many students have decided to run in the April elections. She added that the turnout showed that students care about the political process at the University.
“It tells me it’s going to work this year, and students haven’t lost all hope in the process,” she said.
There are 28 political positions open in this year’s student election. Five seats are uncontested: Rebecca Shively is running for Academic Student Senate Seat 11, which is represented by an undeclared major; Adam Turcott is running for a two-year term on the Building Fee Committee; and Jonah Lee, Mindi Rice and Courtney Warner are running for three two-year seats on the Student Recreation Center Advisory Board.
Two positions will go unfilled. No students applied for Academic Student Senate Seat 12, which is an Allied Arts and Architecture position. ASUO officials said that position is usually appointed because there have been no contenders in the past few elections. A second seat on the Building Fee Committee also
received no candidates.
All 90 students met a 5 p.m. Tuesday deadline to run for office, and every candidate must attend a mandatory elections rule meeting at 6:30 p.m. or at 8 p.m. today in the EMU Ben Linder Room.
— Brook Reinhard