I just want to write a brief blog of praise to what I
have found to be an extremely competent,
accommodating and well-organized art program here at
the University.
When I came back to school after several years “in the
field,” I was nervous about starting back to school in
a department that functions so differently than the
usual lecture-study-read-test format that I was used
to. Instead of scantrons and essays, I’d be working in
studios and on complex projects that test on not only
artistic ability but time management and on one’s
ability to bring ideas into fruition. At times it can
be a surprisingly daunting task.
It’s been hard work, yet not in the ways that I would
have expected. I have been surprised, and impressed,
with how easy the actual process of being a student
has been. The AAA department faculty and staff have
put a lot of effort into taking care of their students
so that we can get on with our studies.
How they do it, is beyond me. As an undergrad at
Southern Oregon University, I remember standing in a
lot more lines and having to wrestle through a lot
more red tape. Missing equipment and reference
materials required for classes were commonplace, and I
had a fair share of uninspirational professors just
waiting for retirement. Before this turns into a rant
against my alma mater, I should point out that I hear
similar stories from folks here at the University
regarding their various departments. And before this
turns into a rant against the University in general, I
hear similar stories from friends and family about
their school experiences all over the country. It’s a
fact of life. My point is, I have yet to encounter it
over on my side of the campus – and for that, I am
extremely grateful.
So kudos to the University of Oregon AAA
Just my $0.02
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