The governor signed seven environmental bills and addressed his administration’s successes in climate change initiatives July 22 in the atrium of Lillis Business Complex. The legislation included a bill aimed to develop a low-carbon fuel standard by 2015 (HB 2186), which, after its signing, sparked applause and high-fives among the crowd.
Along with highlighting HB 2186, Gov. Ted Kulongoski also singled out a bill developing a program integrating small-scale solar energy in to the state’s electricity grid (HB 3039), designed after a model he observed in Germany. “This bill could spur the development of large-scale solar power by integrating 20 megawatts into the system,” Kulongoski said.
Introduced as “Mr. Climate Change” by Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy, Kulongoski began his address by summarizing his administration’s accomplishments in environmental legislation that combat global warming. He boasted that Oregon hosts the largest green transport program, has reduced grass seed field burning, and is in the process of removing dams from the Klamath River.
Kulongoski specifically chose the University campus for this event because of its environmental awareness, especially in Lillis, a “green” building, a spokesperson said.
“This signing taking place on our campus will help broaden public understanding of the University’s environmental awareness and sustainability,” Betsy Boyd, University vice president for public and government affairs, said Tuesday.
“Signing these bills in Lillis shows that the state is aware of the University’s environmental sustainability and are making it a top priority,” ASUO Environmental Advocate Daniel Rottenberg said.
Lobbyists who petitioned for these bills to pass see the signing as a great accomplishment. “University students have been working hard in support of these bills,” former Survival Center director Jesse Hough said. “Although it’s exciting, we will continue to push the state to become more active in global warming issues.”
Rottenberg, who watched Kulongoski sign the bills Wednesday, said these measures are a good start toward combating global warming. “It’s important that the state prioritizes scientific studies and issues,” he said. “The studies’ findings will support a green energy future for Oregon.”
Kulongoski said that, when he became governor, “the economy was turning, and the state had a choice whether to look to the future or hunker down and wait for the storm to pass. I’ve learned that you must look towards the future to be ultimately successful.”
In conclusion, the governor stressed the importance of the legislation for Oregon’s economic and environmental vitality. “These policies secure Oregon’s position as a leader in climate change policy,” he said.
Rottenberg looks forward to the effect these changes will have on Oregon’s future. “The seven bills definitely set the tone for the state’s environmental standing,” he said.
Rep. Ben Cannon, who played a large role in passing the measures, followed Kulongoski’s address with one of his own. Cannon thanked the attending legislators who worked with him and the governor on these bills, calling their work an “extraordinary collaboration.”
The bills include:
• Senate Bill 38: Allows the Environmental Quality Commission to monitor greenhouse emissions.
• Senate Bill 79: Creates a task force to monitor energy producers.
• Senate Bill 101: A widely supported bill aimed at restricting the use of coal by, among other things, preventing the creation of new coal power sources.
• House Bill 2186: Enables the Environmental Quality Commission to regulate truck emissions.
• House Bill 2626: Creates a loan program for sustainable technology.
• House Bill 3039: Allows people with solar panels to sell the energy back to utility companies.
• House Bill 3463: Regulates producers of biodiesel fuel.
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On campus, governor’s pen proclaims: Green is good!
Daily Emerald
July 29, 2009
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