Q: So, you’re athlete of the week – pretty exciting, huh?
A: I’m nervous!
Q: Do you have any goals for the season?
A: I think a goal for our team is to make it to the NCAA Tournament, and as for me, I just want to continue to get better and be a bigger impact on the team.
Q: What’s your all-time favorite soccer moment?
A: When I was a freshman in high school (Foothill HS in Pleasanton, Calif.), we won the NCS (North Coast Section championship). I remember it just being a lot of fun and loved that I was starting as a freshman.
Q: Any special talents or anything fun you want to tell us?
A: I don’t really have any special talents, but I have a tattoo on my ankle!
Q: Any pre-game rituals?
A: I had a blister on my ankle a long time ago and had to tape it. It’s gone now but I still tape my ankle the same way. That and my handshakes with Stolt (Jen Stoltenberg) and Mercedes (Walters).
Q: What’s something we may not know about you?
A: My mom is the drummer of “The Ducks.” It’s the parents’ group that sits together at home games. So yeah, my mom is the one banging on all the drums.
[email protected]
Athlete of the Week
Daily Emerald
October 1, 2008
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