Wednesday, the Fourth of July, marks the 225th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
It was this day in our nation’s history when we won our freedom from Britain’s tyrannical rule and established the United States of America.
The Fourth of July is the most significant day of the year for Americans.
It is this day that all people, no matter what religion, race or sex, can fully appreciate how it brought them freedom in one way or another.
It is a day where we honor no man, no god, no being whatsoever.
We honor the simple ideas of freedom, justice and equality. We honor the existence of a place where all is possible.
In honor of this great country, take a few seconds Wednesday night during the fireworks to try to imagine what the Fourth of July meant to the people of this country in 1776.
Try to imagine what it would be like without the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Just remember how great of a country the United States of America really is and what all the people of this country have achieved.
editorialboard: Michelle Kann, Tim Paluch, Zach Calef, Ruth Hitchcock, Cavan Reagan
Copyright Iowa State Daily
Remember the 4th
Daily Emerald
July 2, 2001
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