Take a Minute is a daily post that will catch you up on Internet happenings on campus and around the world.
Nothing too newsworthy today except I think I saw the sun peek out from behind the clouds. That’s got to be breaking news on the front of the Emerald tomorrow, right?
After his brutal injury in the Rose Bowl, looks like Carson York found a way to cruise around and keep weight off that knee.
@CarsonYork grocery shopping for a purpose and that purpose is recovery #eatingforapurpose twitter.com/jameslharris_u…
— James Harris (@jameslharris_uo) January 25, 2012
Check out our Rose Bowl photos to see how York celebrated, even with the bum knee.
The Emerald had a front page article today about crime in the West University Neighborhood. There were a couple interesting responses on Twitter including this one:
Todays @DailyEmerald front page is a joke. ZOMG crime! And victimblaming study. Talk abt reinforcing urban stereotypes. twitter.com/btx91/status/1…
— Matthew Roberts (@btx91) January 25, 2012
Yes, crime is a issue on and around campus and the Emerald will be covering it. I think as a student newspaper that’s a given.
Anyway, let’s get on to the photo of the day. This is a good one of President Barack Obama hugging Gabrielle Giffords after the State of the Union last night.
Photo of the Day: President Obama hugs @GabbyGiffords at the State of the Union #SOTU: twitter.com/whitehouse/sta…
— The White House (@whitehouse) January 25, 2012
Video of the day:
Think you found something worthy of Take a Minute? Hit me up on Twitter!