It’s been cold. I mean freezing. I mean perpetual chills running down the vertebrae of my spine and cloudy vision due to the ferocity of my teeth chattering. Not even two layers of sweaters can preclude the arctic airs that kickstart the process of my hypothermia.
We keep hearing the words “climate change” come up in the news. All I’m saying is, what could be so bad about that? I know that I, for one, need some more warmth, seeing as I almost freeze to death doing simple tasks outdoors.
NASA said, “global temperatures will continue to rise for decades,” but why is everyone freaking out? I know I don’t want to have to wear a big, honking coat every winter.
Imagine this: The world gets so warm that seasonal clothing doesn’t have to exist anymore. Doesn’t that sound perfect? We all spend so much time adapting to the weather, but I think it’s about time the weather adapts to us. Change is a good thing, and if the climate is willing to, then who am I to try and stop it?
Take Colorado a couple weeks ago, for example. Fires and snowstorms are vastly different happenings in weather. And while it’s like, “okay weather, you can chill out a bit,” it’s a definite sign that we don’t have to be the ones changing our habits in order to live in the moderate climate that I long for.
I know what you must be thinking. If I hate the cold so much, why don’t I just move somewhere warmer? Well, NASA says the sun isn’t causing global warming, but I find myself within the 37% of Americans that believe the sun is heating up. I think if the sun could just warm us up in some sections, but then lay off in other sections, the world could be a happier place. I wouldn’t freeze while taking out the garbage, I wouldn’t have to learn how to drive in the snow and I wouldn’t have to see my own breath while walking. I mean, gross, right?
I’ve read up on some of the effects of climate change, and while they are nuanced with threatening language, warnings of “no more ice in the arctic” and “rising sea levels” don’t scare me. I like swimming, after all.
I guess what I’m really trying to say here is maybe it should just not be as cold. Maybe I shouldn’t have to choose my attire according to the weather everyday. Maybe the weather should change for me. So stay in your seats and don’t take any action because the world as we know it is changing for our needs.
Opinion: We need some climate change
January 21, 2022
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About the Contributor

Beatrice Byrd, Opinion Editor
Beatrice is the opinion editor for the Daily Emerald. She is a fourth-year student majoring in journalism and legal studies. In her writing for the Emerald, she has covered topics including social media, student representation and mental health.