Dear new and returning students:
I am very pleased to welcome each of you — on behalf of the faculty, staff and administration — to the University this fall. The start of the academic year, even for those of us who have been here through the summer, brings with it a great sense of renewal as well as enthusiasm for new beginnings. I encourage you to take full advantage of all of the opportunities this very special university provides.
We at the University have the opportunity and the intention to make this one of the top 25 public universities in the country. Each of you will play a part in bringing this about. We are proud of what you bring to the University — your academic record, your accomplishments, your service to your communities, your energy, your love of learning, and your personal ambitions to grow and achieve your full potential.
We commit to offer you a world-class, first-rate learning experience through a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular offerings. Despite the difficult budget situation in Oregon, the quality and breadth of our programs has never been better, and we can promise you a great year ahead. You should find the classes you need, improved facilities, a great cadre of teaching faculty, supportive staff and services, and a commitment to excellence undiminished by the present scarcity of state funds.
I know that many of you have very serious financial concerns because the costs of attending the University have increased, despite our efforts to manage these costs. Resources on campus can help you with these financial concerns — financial counseling, opportunities to work on- or off-campus, and some resources still available at the financial aid office. I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities; we have a strong commitment to do all we can to keep a University education affordable and accessible.
Let me offer a few concluding thoughts. We will become one of the top 25 universities because we do not accept mediocrity. Each of us comes to study and to work determined to be the best that we can be.
You have obligations and opportunities as a citizen here, a chance to give as well as to receive, and to make this community more caring and respectful. I urge you to be particularly thoughtful when you interact with those who have cultural backgrounds that are different from your own; to develop healthy relationships; and to refrain from behaviors, such as alcohol abuse and violence, that tear at the fabric of our society.
You are here to be a scholar. These are precious years. You are taking one of the places we have made for students here; use this opportunity well.
Finally, enjoy yourself; enjoy the beautiful environment and the culture that Oregon provides; enjoy the new facilities on campus that will open this year; enjoy the people whom you will meet. And do something new: Take a class in an area you’ve never studied before; serve on a committee; sign up for study abroad or an internship; give us your advice on how to make the University even better.
This is your campus. We’re here to make your year, and ours, the best one it can be.
Warmest wishes,
Dave Frohnmayer
Dave Frohnmayer is the University president.