Today’s my first official day as the dictator of the Emerald’s new opinion section, Community, making me the Community editor. I thought it’d be a cool idea to give you all some of the links I’ve been clicking on in the past couple days as a weekly feature. Since we’re just rolling into the school year, this post is pretty light, but that saves you time to watch the video below.
Here’s the links:
For Vice President, a Heartbeat Away From the Public Isn’t Close Enough — NYT
A really interesting profile of Joe Biden’s proclivity for talking really close to potential voters. It’s not as creepy as that sounds, and it’s pretty cool to see this kind of old-fashioned campaigning in the days of SuperPAC money.
Excerpt: “At a high school in New Hampshire on Friday, he fielded a question from a history teacher, Kayleigh Durkin, 26, by extending a hand to draw her into the center of a circle of students with him. While he spoke, he continued to hold her hand, as though they were a high school couple going steady.
Did it feel awkward? “No, I was so excited,” Ms. Durkin said later. “I love him.””
Hillary Clinton Aide Tells Reporter To “F**k Off” And “Have A Good Life” — Buzzfeed Politics
A State Department employee absolutely unloads on a Buzzfeed reporter, calling him out for “
ask(ing) questions you’ve already decided you know the answers to,” in a long and entertaining email exchange with said reporter. In other news, Buzzfeed Politics has been getting after it lately in terms of decision 2012 coverage, leading friend-of-the-show CJ Ciaramella to compare the site favorably with Politico in 2008 and interestingly, the Oregon Duck football team. So, check them out.
Excerpt: “As the State Department’s story about what happened in Benghazi crumbles, Clinton’s personal spokesperson, Philippe Reines, loses his temper. “Have a good day. And by good day I mean F**k Off.””
Why you should never, ever use two spaces after a period. — Slate
This is just a personal favorite of mine as I’ve been searching for a post like this for eons. I am also a copy chief for the Emerald and will probably paste this article somewhere in the office.
Excerpt: “Can I let you in on a secret? Typing two spaces after a period is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong.”
And, in the “winning the internet” category for the week of Sept. 22-26, I present the following. For backstory, in Michigan, voters elect their Supreme Court justices by a nonpartisan ballot. For the occasion of a campaign ad, a candidate, one Bridget Mary McCormack, gathered several members of the cast of The West Wing, including Martin Sheen reprising his role as Pres. Jed Bartlet. Very entertaining if you’re a fan of Aaron Sorkin’s writing, as Sorkin’s now-cliché “walk and talks” take up half the video with his stereotypical fast-talking and sarcastic style.
Blrbs: What I’m reading, week one
Daily Emerald
September 23, 2012
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