On Feb. 28, the Eugene School District 4J announced a proposal to reduce the district’s budget by $25 million next fiscal year.
Interim Superintendent Colt Gill will propose the cuts to the district’s budget committee in March. District officials say the cuts are necessary to ensure the district will operate within its means and prioritize funding for student learning.
The $25 million in cuts accounts for roughly 4% of the district’s nearly $601.8 million annual adopted budget. The proposed cuts come as other local governments, including Lane County and the City of Eugene, face budget deficits.
The proposed cuts also come as the district dips into its reserves this year. Projections show the district will spend more than $30 million in reserves this year, which accounts for roughly 14% of its $208 million reserves.
While district officials acknowledge that the proposed cuts are “substantial,” they say they do not anticipate having involuntary layoffs at this point. They say most staff reductions could happen through attrition, which could include the district opting not to fill vacant positions left by planned retirements and resignations.
Officials say more than half of the proposed reductions will not come from reductions in force. Those reductions could include things like supplies, contracted services and operational costs.

The proposed reductions will impact schools. Some employees may have to transition to new roles, potentially in different schools or programs.
“We know these reductions will have an impact, and we do not take them lightly,” Gill said in a statement. “As we navigate this challenge, our commitment remains to keep student learning, well-being and equity at the center of our decisions.”
The proposed cuts come as the district, despite having fewer students than it did five years ago, has expanded staff in recent years, helped by temporary COVID-19 relief funds from the federal government. The temporary relief dollars have helped the district reduce class sizes and provide students with more mental support and instructional coaching.
According to district data, the district has more than 1,000 fewer students and 400 more employees than it did five years ago. Projections show the number of students in the district will continue to decline further. By 2029, the district predicts it will have 600 fewer students than it does now.
Further complicating the district’s budget problems, officials say, is uncertainty over federal funding that supports their most vulnerable students, including students with disabilities, homeless students and students from historically marginalized communities. Programs funded by federal dollars include school meals and after-school and summer learning programs.
It is not clear yet whether the school board will follow through with Gill’s proposed cuts.
In either May or June, the school board will vote on the final budget before the 2025-2026 fiscal year starts in July. There will be opportunities for the public to weigh in when the district budget committee starts meeting in April.
Conae Carpenter • Mar 2, 2025 at 8:13 pm
I hope the student decline is due to parents pulling their kids out to home school. You couldn’t pay me to have one of my children in a public school, especially 4J.
Janet Ayres • Mar 3, 2025 at 1:18 pm
Yes, i fully agree…egregious curriculum, waste and while not adhering to the priority of 3 r’s! Reading, writing, arithmetic! Shame on Oregon failed, miserable, woefully inadequate, off course Education “leaders” FIRED ALL OF YOU AND YOUR STINKING UNIONS CAN GO WITH YOU!