Two gubernatorial candidates stood out from the rest of their party’s nominations this year for a plethora of reasons. Jim Hill, a Democrat, and Jack Roberts, a Republican, are both qualified candidates with enough vision and political sway to present ideas that can win the primary election May 21.
On the left: Jim Hill
Hill appealed to us as the front-runner of the three Democratic candidates because of his dedication to education. The other two governor hopefuls also have a rich history in public office, but we believe Hill’s financial experience, coupled with his political experience, make him the best choice. Hill has two decades of public office skills to
offer Oregonians — he has served as a state representative in the Legislature, in the Oregon Senate and most recently as our state treasurer.
As treasurer, Hill proved his dedication to preserving quality public schools. He created the Common School Fund for K-12 schools and the School Bond Guarantee Act. Hill also implemented the College Savings Program to help parents save for their children’s higher education.
We were impressed by Hill’s practical “sin tax” idea to help stabilize K-12 school funding by raising taxes on tobacco and alcohol. Hill has the insight to know that the state will not allocate sufficient funding to public schools during budget crunches. His proposed “Rainy Day Fund” will help combat education cuts and ensure public schools don’t get caught in a budget crisis as they were earlier this year.
If elected, we think Hill would be the best champion of higher education. We liked his proposal to reinstate college scholarships that were cut during the budget crunch. He said restoring the scholarships was one of his top priorities if elected, and we hope Hill can fulfill his promise.
He also impressed us with his ideas to issue bonds for infrastructure projects on campus. Long-term bond sales would give universities more cash on hand and allow freedom for the schools to allocate where we need it.
We believe Hill has the political sway and connection with the needs of Oregonians to make an
effective candidate for governor in November. As an advocate for higher education needs, we believe he would be the most successful candidate, and we advise students to vote for Hill as the Democratic candidate for governor.
From the right: Jack Roberts
Roberts caught our eye because he appears to be the most moderate of the three Republican candidates, and his experience in state government is extensive. Roberts is currently serving his second term as state labor commissioner and served as a Lane County Commissioner for five years. Because the state has such a diverse group of voters, with pockets of both conservative and liberal voices sprinkled throughout, we
believe Roberts would appeal to most Oregonians as the Republican gubernatorial candidate.
Roberts is not only honest about possible tax jumps, but he’s also frank about likely tuition increases across the state. He knows both Oregon residents and students coming from out of state won’t attend a school that isn’t affordable, and he seems committed to keeping tuition economical.
As a University of Oregon graduate for both of his undergraduate and law degrees, Roberts has a unique understanding of our school’s needs. If elected governor, we believe Roberts’ affiliation with groups such as the College Republicans — as well as the fact that he is a Eugene resident — would keep him accessible and connected to students locally.
Roberts has a proven track record of fighting for the University during budget crises. He also supports Ballot Measure 10, which would allow the University to receive equity from private companies to compensate for publicly created technology.
Overall, Roberts is an excellent Republican candidate. If elected governor, he would serve Oregon well. We support Roberts’ ideas and tenacity, and we urge students to vote for him in the primary.