(Left to right) Jo Hedelman, Evan Burns, Melinda Reynolds and Jeanne Beacom practice for the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the Walnut Room of the EMU on Saturday morning.
Pull out the black corset and fishnet stockings and get ready to do the “Time Warp.”
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is back. This cult classic will be presented in an interactive show performed by Forbidden Fruit, a group of about 20 students who perform live shows of Rocky Horror locally.
When Dakota Witt, an actress in Forbidden Fruit, was asked to describe the show to someone who has never seen it, she laughed.
“It’s a crazy, campy, tacky musical with craziness, fishnets, sex and lots of humor,” Witt said, “It’s definitely not for everyone.”
The people the show is “for” can enjoy one of two performances in the EMU Ballroom on Friday or Saturday at 9 p.m.
The UO Cultural Forum is hosting the event again this year and is adding a new twist from previous years. On Friday night, a free after-party with refreshments, costume contests and trivia games will be held in the Gumwood Room as soon as the show is over.
“The whole cast is really friendly and we really have a lot of fun in rehearsals. And while we’re having fun, we still get a lot done,” Witt said.
Those planning to see the show should keep a few things in mind. The show is interactive and demands some audience participation. For example, when certain characters are mentioned by name, the audience yells certain things back at the screen. People who have never seen Rocky Horror should be able to catch on to things as the show progresses.
There will also be certain words tossed around at the show.
“Virgins” will be referred to quite often. At Rocky Horror Picture Show, a virgin is anyone who has never seen the show live, and these people play an important role at the event. Before the show starts, an actor will call for all the virgins to come up on stage. The virgins will then be picked to participate in “virgin games,” which act as fun games to initiate new viewers.
Some people choose to bring props as part of their audience participation at the show. According to Kim Cogle, the cast president of Forbidden Fruit, bags with props and a list of the times to use them will be available for sale at the show.
Viewers who wish to participate should bring a flashlight, a section of newspaper, rubber gloves, party noisemakers, a roll of toilet paper (preferably Scotts brand), a small bell, pieces of toast (non-buttered), playing cards, a small squirt gun and a handful of confetti, according to the official Rocky Horror Web site at http://www.timewarp.org.uk/1virgins.htm.
A limited number of seats are available for the shows. Tickets are available in advance at the UO Ticket Office and are $6 for students or $8 for the general public.
Cogle provided some advice to those who will be seeing Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time.
“Come with an open mind,” she said. “Oh, and bring toast!”
Breanna Scott is a freelance reporter for the Emerald