“As a woman, it’s alarming to hear of so many attacks on females around campus. As much as I try to refrain from walking alone at night, I’d like to feel some sort of security were I to be alone for any short amount of time.
Of course, students should always take precautions when traveling at night, especially by traveling in groups, but there should be more security implemented around campus. I’d hope the amount of attacks would decrease if there were more security guards on campus and around the graveyard. Another thing the University could do to help raise assault awareness would be to make send its Campus Crime Alert e-mail to all University students, not just students living in the dorms. They are not the only people who walk near campus at night.”
– Quinn Moticka
“While DPS and the University should definitely redouble their efforts to protect students in light of the increased attacks, it is important also that we not forget the bigger picture. Though not always, crimes of property often stem from necessities brought on by abject poverty. Sex crimes should inspire thought about how women are treated by our society in general, as these crimes do take place in a context of a male-dominated culture. Examining context, though, should not be interpreted as an effort to excuse or justify the perpetrators of crime, only as an attempt to understand them, realizing no problems are isolated and neither can be any effective solution.”
– Matt Petryni
“Time and again, the University appears ill-equipped to properly manage its students. First there’s the inadequate housing, parking and bus schedules, and now we’re being cautioned to avoid an entire portion of campus “at all costs” because we lack the DPS officers to properly patrol it? These are places I’d like to see my tuition dollars and student fees going – the creation of a safer, more accessible campus. I would be more than willing to pay a higher incidental fee if it would make it safer to walk across campus at night.”
– Truman Capps
“Attacks on the rise”
Daily Emerald
November 16, 2008
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