On Nov. 7, approximately 40 employees picketed in front of Franz’s Eugene-Springfield location as their strike concluded its seventh day.
Approximately 180 workers are taking part in the strike.
Steve Dade is the Union Executive Board Vice President and has worked at Franz for 28 years.
Dade said the Bakers Union 114 is on strike because of Unfair Labor Practices, including Oregon Occupational Safety and Health violations, safety hazards, unfair treatment, harassment of union members and poor quality of life.
“There’s a lot of six days a week, 12-hour shifts for months. You don’t get to see your family,” Dade said. “I’ve had a daughter who has grown up, and I missed a lot of events for her growing up.”
Brad Currier, the business agent and executive board recorder for Local 114, said that management does a poor job of training staff, creating serious safety hazards.
“I could take you in there right now and show you a safety exit on a proof box that has a release. I pointed out years ago that it does not function, it can trap you in there, and to this day, I guarantee you it does not open,” said Currier.
Dade added that because of faulty equipment and poor training, employees are at risk of losing a limb.
“Nobody can unlock the engaging power of that machine,” Dade said. “They don’t teach you to do that. They just say, ‘cut the power,’ but it is actually still engaged, and you lose a limb or something.”
Local 114 Business Agent David Gettman said that Franz employees are overworked and understaffed.
“They [management] refused to add enough staff to give them time off… and now they are removing all of their ability to take personal time off for their child’s birthdays for weddings, any of that denied even six months in advance notice,” said Gettman.
Gettman added that at times, employees will show up ready for their shift, and minutes before they will have their shift canceled and have to make up that shift on their day off.

Union member Rick Ryland said that most of the time, employees do the work of two or three people.
“I am responsible for running the line, distributing products, unloading and loading trucks, all at the same time. That is my job,” Ryland said. “I am doing two to three people’s jobs every day, for lack of staffing.”
Ryland said that Local 114 members at Franz have received less than $3 in raises over the past 10 years and a gift card in compensation.
“A $50 gift card to Domino’s pizza, gas or Bi-Mart,” Ryland said. “50 bucks for showing up during a national pandemic.”
Gettman emphasized that Local 114 union members are asking management to “be treated like human beings in this company.”